Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard

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From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

Select All Records

Manually select all records (neither ‘Pending’ nor ‘Suspect’ nor ‘Orphan’ records are included).

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

click ‘Select All Records’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard - Select All Records

Un-Select All Records

Manually un-select all records (neither ‘Pending’ nor ‘Suspect’ nor ‘Orphan’ records are included)

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

click ‘Un-Select All Records’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard - Un-Select All Records

Move Selected Records to Archive

Allows to move records ie. Movies that are no longer in the Library to an ‘Archive’ Queue. ‘Archive’ Records are excluded from ANY Batch functionality (ie. ‘Create’ XML Files, Check Records, etc). This feature is useful for users that may have deleted movies from their library but have the intention to ‘re-add’ those movies back to the Library at a later time. For more information about the ‘Archive’ Queue, see section ‘Metadata Utility – Description -‘Archive Record(s)’ Queue’ click here.

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

click on ‘Move Selected Records to Archive’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard - Move Selected Records to Archive

Move Selected Records to Suspect Records

Allows to move records from the Selected Records Queue to the Suspect Records Queue. Similar to ‘Archive’ Queue, ‘Suspect’ Records are excluded from ANY Batch functionality (ie. ‘Create’ XML Files, Check Records, etc). For more information about the ‘Suspect’ Queue, see section ‘Metadata Utility – Description -‘Suspect Record(s)’ Queue’ (click here).

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

On the ‘Maintenance Switchboard’ click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

click ‘Move Selected Records to Suspect Records’

Metadata Utility - Operation - Maintenance Switchboard - Move Selected Records to Suspect Records

Move Suspect Records to Selected Records

Allows to move Suspect records to the ‘Selected’ Records Queue. ‘Archive’ Records are excluded from ANY Batch functionality (ie. ‘Create’ XML Files, Check Records, etc). For more information about the ‘Selected’ Recrods Queue, see section ‘Metadata Utility – Description -‘Selected Record(s)’ Queue’ (click here).

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

On the ‘Maintenance Switchboard’ click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Sel-Unselect Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Select Unselect Switchboard

click ‘Move Suspect Records to Selected Records’

Metadata Utility - Operation - Maintenance Switchboard - Move Suspect Records to Selected Records

Return to Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard

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