Media – Selected Record(s) Queue (39)

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(click once) will show you Records which you have Selected for Batch processing.

This Queue shows you records that you have Selected in your Media Library (awaiting for XML Generation). Notice that once you’ve click on the ‘Selected’ Button, Metadata Utility will read ‘Metadata Utility: Selected Records’ and the Button will then read ‘Suspect’.

To ‘Select’ a Record, click on the ‘Select’ Button (alternative, while editing the record, you can Type a ‘-1’ –without the single quotes– in the ‘Chk’ Field).

To ‘UnSelect’ a Record, click on the ‘UnSelect’ Button (alternative, while editing the record, you can Type a ‘0’ (Zero, not the letter ‘o’ )–without the single quotes– in the ‘Chk’ Field).

Metadata Utility – Main - Selected Records Queue

Note: If No records have been ‘Selected’, then Metadata Utility will be blank (40).

Metadata Utility – Main - Selected Records Queue
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