Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

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Enables a user to batch upload Movie, Show/Series and or Episodes in a Batch/Bulk Process via a previously prepared ‘MUWImp.xls’ File*
Metadata Utility’s Bulk Import Process (BIP) should be used by experienced users.
This is due to the fact, that using this tool, a user can import and update records in a massive scale.
It is recommend to always have a BackUp of your entire Metadata Utility First prior of using Metadata Utility’s Bulk Import Process.

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Enter/View Information Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard
Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Forms Switchboard
Metadata Utility – Forms Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Batch Operations Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Batch Operations Switchboard
Metadata Utility – Batch Operations Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Bulk Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Bulk Switchboard
Metadata Utility – Bulk Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Bulk Import Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Switchboard
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Bulk Import Master Records’

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

-Select Record(s) by clicking the ‘Select’ Check-box

Selected or Check Mark visible = Selected
Un-Selected or Check Mark Not Visible = Not Selected

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)


-Click on ‘Select’ Heading to select all records

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

-To un-select all selected records click on the ‘ID’ Heading

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

To Search a particular record, you enter the ‘record id’ or the title, even if a partial title of the Movie, or the title of the Show, or the title of the Series, or the title of the Episode Title in the search field and click enter

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

To Show ‘all’ records after a search, either click ‘All Records’ button at the bottom of the Form or enter in the search field ‘ * ‘ (without the single quotes) and click enter to show all records available for upload

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

Once the desired records to upload have been selected, then click the ‘Upload’

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

Metadata Utility will check if duplicate record(s) have been selected for upload.

If Duplicate Records are found, then you will get the following message:

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process - Duplicate Records
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process – Duplicate Records

A list of the Duplicate Records will be shown

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Duplicate Records
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Duplicate Records

Only a single Record ID can be uploaded per Record (ie Movie, Series, Episode, etc).
Unselect duplicate records until the count reads to 1 for each of duplicate record(s), then click on the ‘Upload’ Button to continue

To search for a particular record, double click on the ‘Record Id’ in the ‘Duplicates’ Form to sarch for that record (or copy that record ID and paste it in the Search Field and click search)

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Duplicate Records
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Duplicate Records

If No Duplicate Records are found, then you will get the following message:

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Master Records (BIPMR)

Any new records will be uploaded to the ‘Pending’ Queue.

(Once records have been successfully uploaded), if you click on ‘Yes’ on the confirmation message, then you will be taken into Metadata Utility’s Pending Queue
Only after the corresponding ‘Child’ Records have been also added to Metadata Utility, then the uploaded Master Records will be then moved to the ‘Archived Queue’.

Failure to do so will be reported in Metadata Utility. For example:

-A badly formatted ‘MUWImp.xls’ File will be reported with the following Message:

Error 2428
Error 2428

-An ‘invalid’** ‘MUWImp.xls’ File will be reported with the following Message:

Error 2001
Error 2001

In this particular example, a File Named ‘MUWImp.xls’ may be present. However, the internal formatting of that file does not meet Metadata Data Integrity requirements.

To avoid such issues, it is recommended to use Metadata Utility’s provided ‘MUWImp.xls’ File.

If you lost, or deleted the ‘MUWImp.xls’ File as well as it’s backup/template file as well, then you can download a fresh ‘MUWImp.xls’ directly of (here)

-No Data**** found in ‘MUWImp.xls’ File will be reported with the following Message:

Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process - No Records Available
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process – No Records Available

Metadata Utility’s Default Installation provides a ‘MUWImp.xls’ File which is located in the ‘C:\DBases\Data\DbDocs’ Directory.
Also, a ‘BackUp’ which is used as an empty ‘Template of the ‘MUWImp.xls’ File is also located in the ‘C:\DBases\Data\MsSQL\BACKUP’ Directory as well.
The path’s shown in this section represent a ‘Default’ configuration for Metadata Utility. User’s who have a ‘custom’ installation of Metadata Utility on a different directory and/or network share, can update the correct path for the ‘MUWImp.xls’ File in the ‘Document’ and ‘Templates’ Section in Metadata Utility’s Management Switchboard (here)

File ‘MUWImp.xls’ (‘C:\DBases\Data\DbDocs\MUWImp.xls’) must have been populated with the necessary Movie, Series, Show Information before hand and prior to the use of this tool.
***’Invalid’ – File: ‘MUWImp.xls’ may be present but does not meet Metadata Utility’s Formatting Requirements
****’Valid’ ‘MUWImp.xls’ File however No Data is found in the File.

For additional details See section
Metadata Utility -‘Pending’ Queue (here)
Metadata Utility – ‘Archived’ Queue (here)
Metadata Utility – Bulk Import Process Child Records (BIP) (here)

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