What is the difference in Metadata Utility between: -‘Media Library’ -‘Pending’ -‘Selected’ -‘Suspect’ -‘Orphan’, ‘Last Online Search’, ‘Archive’ Records Queue?

-‘Media Library’ Records
Metadata Utility’s ‘Media Library’ Queue represent the actual Movies in your Movie Collection that are available for Windows Media Center to play.
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

Metadata Utility’s ‘Pending’ Queue represent Movies which you have either downloaded the Metadata Information either through Metadata Utility Online Search Tool or entered Manually, but are yet to be added to your Movie Library.
In other words, you have NOT downloaded the movie and it is not available for Windows Media Center to play, but you have selected to pre-download the Metadata of those ‘Pending’ Movies that you will soon be adding to your Windows Media Center Library to play.
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

Metadata Utility’s ‘Selected’ Queue represent Records that you have selected for Batch Processing.
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

Metadata Utility’s ‘Suspect’ Queue represent Records that have been marked as a suspect record and requires your attention.
A ‘Suspect’ Record can be identified by having a ‘Chk’ Value of ‘1’. This Value will be visible in the ‘Chk’ Field in Metadata Utility.
Generation/selection of a ‘Suspect’ Record may have been automatically been flagged/selected by Metadata Utility during a Batch Job processing and/or may have manually been set by you as a ‘suspect’ record.
If during a Batch Job processing, Metadata Utility detects an anomaly with the Record or Movie, then it will automatically ‘flag’ the record as a ‘suspect’.
Examples of how/why a Record may be marked as a suspect are (and not restricted to, listed in no particular order):
-Path of the movie is not found or the Path of the movie is incorrect –thus the movie is not found–
-important and missing Data on the record was found
-Metadata Utility was unable to generate and/or properly format the XML File
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

Metadata Utility’s ‘Orphan’ Queue represent Records that have lost or do not have the main Metadata Information.
There are several reasons ‘why’ you could have an ‘Orphan’ Record. Some of those reasons are (and not limited to, listed in no particular order):
-you deleted a Master record (deletion done in Metadata Utility Online Search Tool) AND you had entered that record into your ‘Media’ Library in Metadata Utility.
-you accidentally created a record in your Media Library in Metadata Utility and later realized, you don’t have/or don’t want that record, and thus, you had deleted in Metadata Utility Online Search Tool. In that case, pieces called ‘Child Record(s)’ may have been left still in Metadata Utility, thus you will end up having those left over pieces
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

-‘Last Online Search’ Queue
shows you records that were last searched using the ‘Movie Online Search’ Tool. You will noticed that once you’ve click on the ‘LOS’ Button, Metadata Utility will read ‘Metadata Utility: Last Online Search’ and the Button will not read ‘Archive’.
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

-‘Archive Record(s)’ Queue
shows you records that have been marked in the ‘Archive’ Queue. Records in the ‘Archive’ Queue represent those Records that you don’t (yet) have (or no longer have) in your Media Library but you whish to still keep the already downloaded Metadata in within Metadata Utility.
For additional information, see the section ‘Metadata Utility – Buttons’ click here.

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