Poster Path (30c) – (Cover Art)

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Poster Path: File Name (in jpg format needed) used for Coverart  download.

Example: As seen in the picture to the right, then the following should exist in your NAS or Location where the Movies are stored.
Using the Path Builder (ie. Path Builder 01, Path Builder 02, Path Builder 03) and after having built the Path to the Movie, then click on the Path Section in Metadata Utility to show the following:
Sample Movie Name: +1.Party.Invaders
Full Path: \\\00\Wmedia\+1.Party.Invaders (25)
Video_Ts: \\\00\Wmedia\+1.Party.Invaders\Video_Ts (26)
Folder.jpg: Small Thumbnail Cover Art (27)*
Folder.L.jpg: Large Poster Cover Art File Name (28)*
XML Small: Path used during XML Generation  (29)*
XML Large: Path used during XML Generation:  (30)*
XML Location: XML Path (30a)**
Poster Path: File Name (in jpg format needed) used for Coverart  download (30b)*
Poster Path: File Name (in jpg format needed) used for Coverart  download (30c)*
*Can be either automatically Downloaded using ‘Download Cover Art’ or manually placed in the path including File Name and extension.
**Will be automatically generated by Metadata Utility during ‘XML Generation’.

Metadata Utility – Path
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