Metadata Utility Maintenance Delete Switchboard

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From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Verification Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard

Delete Master Records

There may be very few reasons, why you would want to delete records from ‘Metadata Utility’.
Deleting a ‘Master Record’ will create ‘Orphan Records’ (if the record belongs in your Media Library). This feature contains a built-in redundancy in the event that, however unlikely, Master Records are deleted and later realized, that those records actually where not meant to be deleted, then, looking in the ‘Orphan Records’ Queue, you can then, re-build the needed Master Records again. The ‘redundancy’ is based on the fact, that if you delete ‘Master Record(s)’, you will create ‘Orphaned Record(s)’. Those ‘Orphaned Record(s)’ will become the ‘redundancy’ as once the ‘Master Record(s)’ have been deleted, you will have a Queue of ‘Orphaned Record(s)’ that, should you want, you can use to re-built the deleted  ‘Master Records’. For additional Information on how to re-built ‘Master Records’, see section: Metadata Utility – Repair (Re-Link) ‘Orphan’ Records.
That said however, in such case, where there is a need to delete Master Records, then this feature will allow you to do just that.
To Delete Records, first Search and Select the Record(s) that are to be deleted (and place them in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue). For more information about placing record(s) in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue, see section ‘Metadata Utility – place Record(s) in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue’. Once the Record(s) have been placed in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue, then:

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Verification Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard

click on ‘Delete Master Records’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Master Records
Metadata Utility – Messages - Delete Master Records
Metadata Utility – Messages - Delete Master Records
Metadata Utility – Messages - Delete Master Records - Confirmation

Note that once you’ve deleted records from Metadata Utility, there is no ‘button’ (or process) to automatically get them (your deleted data/records) )back (ie. restored). The only way how to restore deleted Master Records have been just described above. For more information on how to recover/restore Master Records, see section(s): ‘Metadata Utility – Manually add a Movie’ as well as ‘Metadata Utility – Repair (Re-Link) ‘Orphan’ Records’. Alternative, if you have created a BackUp of Metadata Utility BackEnd prior to the deletion of the Records, then you can:
-exit Metadata Utility,
-restore from your BackUp, then
-re-open Metadata Utility.
After ‘Master Records’ are deleted, then Metadata Utility will automatically prompt if ‘Orphan Records’ should be deleted as well. For more Information, see section ‘Delete Orphan Records’ (Inser_Link_Here).

Delete Orphan Records

Should you want to delete Orphaned Records in Metadata Utility and you are NOT interested in recovering any Orphaned records (refer to section how to recover Orphaned Records), then you can Delete (purge) any orphaned records – This action is Irreversible! so proceed with caution as once deleted, the data will be permanently deleted from Metadata Utility. Even if you, at a later time re-create the deleted records, any Case Events from the deleted records will NOT be restored.
To Delete Orphan Records, first go to the ‘Orphan Records’ Queue (for more information on how to go to the ‘Orphan Records’ Queue, see section ‘Orphan Records’ Queue) and Select the Record(s) that are to be deleted (by clicking on the ‘Select’ Button and/or place the record in Edit Mode and populate a value of ‘1’ –without the single quotes– in the ‘Chk’ Field). For more information about placing record(s) in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue, see section ‘Metadata Utility – place Record(s) in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue’. Once record(s) have been placed in the ‘Selected Records’ Queue, then:

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Verification Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard

click on ‘Delete Orphan Records’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Orphan Records
Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Orphan Records
Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Orphan Records
Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Orphan Records - Confirmation

Delete Windows Media Center Cache

Should you experience problems with your Windows Media Center such as (not limited to, listed in no particular order):
-Windows Media Center is NOT displaying the Metadata Information for your movies correctly (either some, or all movies)
-Coverart Information is not shown in Windows Media Center
-Windows Media Center un unexpectedly closes
-after trying to troubleshoot other Windows Media Center Metadata phenomena you are not able to find a solution, then you can use this feature to start fresh.
In such cases, where you have exhausted all other possibilities and you are still experiencing problems with your Windows Media Center Metadata, then this option may be your best option. In that case, then do the following:

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Delete Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard

click on ‘Delete Windows Media Center Cache’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Windows Media Center Cache
Metadata Utility – Messages - Delete Windows Media Center Cache

Message sample for ‘Old’ Legacy – No longer Supported – Systems:

Metadata Utility – Messages - Delete Windows Media Center Cache

-This feature should be your ‘last option’ during troubleshooting
-Deleting Windows Media Center Cache does NOT alter or deletes any of the Movie Library source XML Files, nor deletes any of the existing movies in the Library.
-Deleting Windows Media Center Cache only removes the information that Windows Media Center has stored/cached in your local User profile in your Windows Media Center PC.
-This functionality enables a ‘fresh’ start  again and either generate the Metadata Information – XML Files again and/or Cache (Copy) the existing Metadata Information – XML Files to the local profile again.
-Should you have other services, such as other subscription services, for example to download your show’s artwork and other series, than be advised that those shows may also be impacted as Deleting Windows Media Center Cache removes all cached information on your local profile.
-Deleting Windows Media Center Cache does NOT reset your Windows Media Center configuration, ie. Windows Media Center Media existing/already configured Media Path(s) and other settings in Windows Media Center.

Delete Source XML Files

Enables to delete already existing XML Files from the Movie Library

From the Main Switchboard, click on ‘Maintenance Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Main Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Main Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Main Maintenance Switchboard

click on ‘Metadata Utility Maintenance Delete Switchboard’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard

click on ‘Delete Source XML Files’

Metadata Utility – Maintenance Switchboard - Delete Switchboard - Delete Source XML Files

Note: If NO Records are selected, then Metadata Utility will prompt and ask to Delete Source XML Files from ALL Records.

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